12 events found.
Weekly Minyan
ChapelThe Minyan meets twice each week in the Chapel.
Kabbalat Shabbat
Congregation B'Nai Israel 4401 Indian School Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM, United StatesKabbalat Shabbat Friday Evening hybrid Services
Title: Special Topics in Kashrut
Adult Education Class: Special Topics in Kashrut (taught by Jonas Actor)
CBI LibraryFormat: In-person in the CBI library Time: Sundays, 10:30am-11:45am Cost: Free This multi-part miniseries explores general principles and specific elements within kashrut, the system of rules that define “keeping Kosher”.…
Judaica Shop Open
Gift ShopWeekly Minyan
ChapelThe Minyan meets twice each week in the Chapel.