Congregation B’nai Israel (CBI) relies on its volunteers to keep our Kehilla together. Our members help each other, and our synagogue because they aspire to fulfill tikkun olam: they behave and act constructively to benefit and “repair” the world.
Volunteering does not require huge commitments of time out of one’s busy day. CBI volunteers perform many roles and complete tasks big and small. All are valued for their positive impact because the support helps the synagogue community to endure and thrive. Like any other active non-profit organization, the need is constant and never-ending. Here is a short list of deeds of service being performed by our members that help make a difference:
- General light office work, such as answering the main telephone switchboard, or organizing outgoing mailings of the monthly newsletter
- Serving in our Chevra Kadisha (Burial Society)
- Serving in our Chevrat Chesed (Member-to-Member Support Group) to attend Shivah minyans to comfort mourners and to enable them to chant the Mourners Kaddish.
- Acting as ushers for services; collecting and organizing prayer books when services are completed
- Reading the Torah during services
- Planning and organizing social events and fundraisers
- Delivering Mishloach Manot baskets to member homes on Purim
- Serving as lay leaders on the Board of Trustees, or participating in activities of its varied committees
Do you have a special skill that could benefit our congregation? Would you like to conduct compassionate visits to our ailing or home-bound members? Can you provide a member who is no longer able to drive with transportation to services? Do you want to organize and run a new member event? Would you like to help clean our working kitchens to ready them for Passover?
The list of ways to serve is endless. When you are ready to step-up and pitch-in, we will welcome your help.
Benefits of Volunteering
- Improve Community Life
- Help Others in Need
- Give Back to A Cause in Which You Believe
- Make Efforts More Effective
- Get Connected to Other People
- Provide Others with Hope
- Find Satisfaction
- Boost Spirituality in Performing Selfless Acts
Why Volunteer at CBI?
Congregation B’nai Israel (CBI) relies on and needs its volunteers to enhance the life of our synagogue community. We can’t do it all alone, nor would we want to. Participating in life at the synagogue is fulfilled in many ways beyond attending services.
- Performing a charitable, beneficial act for your congregation provides an emotionally uplifting experience that could not be matched by receiving fame or money.
- If you are new to Albuquerque or the synagogue, becoming a volunteer is a fast way to make new associations and connections with our other members.
- CBI volunteers make friends and connect with the synagogue community.
- Those giving their time are usually welcome to bring along children, grandchildren, friends, or other family members to share in the experience. When people get together, an assignment or task can become easier to do.
- You may learn a new skill, share established expertise, or find yourself leading or becoming involved with projects that you wouldn’t normally ever get the opportunity to do.
- You will feel satisfaction and gain an immense sense of accomplishment. It feels good to produce or contribute to something that a lot of people benefit from.
- Giving to others is good for mental and physical health. Our volunteers get mental stimulation, combat depression, reduce stress, and give back to themselves with a sense of purpose.
- Providing time in service to CBI can be fun.
- Performing service to others can bring new and unexpected insights.
Service Learning For School-Aged Students
Volunteering at Congregation B’nai (CBI) may qualify as Service Learning for students who are required by their school to complete community service. Many local schools require students to participate in activities or complete projects outside their traditional school setting–every semester, or every academic year. In some cases, Independent Service Learning Projects must be performed for a minimum of 15 hours per semester.
SERVICE LEARNING is a form of experiential education, learning in deed, where learning takes place through a cycle of action and reflection. Students experience the process of applying what they are learning to helping solve community problems. Reflecting on their experience as they work towards real goals or objectives can benefit the community and give the student a deeper understanding for themselves.
During the school year, CBI organizes many events and programs, each with a set of tasks and assignments that are completed by synagogue volunteers. In many instances, these tasks can be appropriate for school-aged children to complete with the assistance and/or supervision of a parent, guardian, or supervising adult.
Being a volunteer for the synagogue is a way for students to help find their voice, demonstrate responsibility, follow directions, learn useful life-skills, and benefit their Jewish community.
If a student wishes to design a volunteer project that will benefit the synagogue, and must have it approved by his or her school in advance of completing the project, contact a member of the Board of Trustees, or the Presidents of the Men’s Club or Sisterhood to discuss the project goals, scope, and time-frame.
At this time, Congregation B’nai Israel’s Library is available to its members, and only by appointment. Our collection of print materials includes prayer books, Tanach, Torah, and Talmud for reference reading and study. You may wish to enhance your existing Jewish knowledge with insights from around the world, gathered in one place: our library. Help us to manage the collection and keep it organized. Call the office (505)266-0155.
We are a volunteer organization for our members, run by our members. Getting involved at Congregation B’nai Israel is very easy. We encourage it. You can join any one of our numerous “troops:” the auxiliaries, special-interest groups, and committees that welcome your energy and involvement.
Check back often on this website to discover ways new to you to make a difference, based on your interests.
If you are seeking synagogue group activities that don’t exist yet, we encourage your leadership initiative. It requires little more than imagination, ideas, and commitment to start a new group for others to join. Let us know the help you need to muster. Let’s get rolling!
Men’s Club: Involving Jewish Men in Jewish Life
Look no further if you are seeking fellowship with other Jewish men. All post-Bar Mitzvah-aged men are welcome! Complimentary first-year memberships for new members of CBI.
Sisterhood: Chesed & Tzedakah
If you are seeking camaraderie with other Jewish women and opportunities to express loving kindness, the CBI's Sisterhood welcomes you with open arms.
Chevurah Chesed: Caring for Members
Help our member shut-ins and those experiencing new set-backs, grief, or loss. If you know of someone in need, or want to help provide it, call 266-0155 and Chevurah Chesed will get in touch with you.
Choir: Lend Us Your Voice!
No experience necessary! Bring your love for singing, harmony, and melody. Gatherings are every Wednesday to practice at leading a lovely evening of music and prayer for our congregation during Choir Shabbats.
Arts and Judiaca: An Artistic View of Life
The Committee for lovers of art and Jewish Culture. They catalog our collection of paintings, sculptures, Torot, etc., and work with the House Committee to ensure proper display of the artworks for all to enjoy.
The House: Caring for Our Building
Are you handy with tools? Would you like to help preserve our incredible but graciously aging building? Join Russell Goldstein's House Committee to help maintain & enhances our physical space.
History and Archive Project: Preserving Our History
The important project of maintaining CBI's archive will be appreciated by future generations.
Programming: The More the Merrier!
Misha Sauceda leads the Programming Committee that organizes fun and exciting all-ages events to elevate our social and spiritual connections. Now seeking volunteers to lend energy, creativity, and ideas for our new events.
When you are ready to volunteer, please call the office at (505) 266-0155.
Featured events
Special Congregational Meeting-Proposed Bylaws Amendment
This will be to consider the proposed Bylaws amendment to permit remote voting at the Annual Meeting and Special Meetings of the Congregation.
Men’s Club Annual CBI Beautification
Join the CBI Men’s Club for a meaningful and hands-on celebration of Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish New Year for Trees. In the spirit of this holiday, which emphasizes our connection…
Weekly Minyan – Celebrate Presidents Day
Morning with the Minyan The Minyan meets twice each week in the Chapel. Celebrate Presidents Day with lox, cream cheese, coffee, doughnuts, and friends! Join us at 8 o’clock for…
“An Afternoon of Yiddish Song,” featuring Jordan Wax (Dairy Kitchen Needed)
This program is part #1 of a grant of $1,500.00 awarded to CBI by the National Yiddish Book Center for the purpose of promoting an appreciation of Yiddish culture to…
Celebrating Congregants with February Birthdays and Anniversaries
Kabbalat Shabbat services will begin at 6 pm on Friday, February 28, followed by a festive Oneg Shabbat. During services, those celebrating special occasions will be called to the bimah to…
The Big Event – Broadway at B’nai (Both Kitchens used all day)
$130 is the cost of one ticket purchased online. $62.00 to $1,240 reflects the range of ticket costs. Costs include online credit card processing fees.
Celebrating Congregants with March Birthdays and Anniversaries
Kabbalat Shabbat services will begin at 6 pm on Friday, March 28, followed by a festive Oneg Shabbat. During services, those celebrating special occasions will be called to the bimah to…
Game Day
Join the Sisterhood on their Game Day. Snacks will be provided. All are welcomed!