Vicky The Board is comprised of sixteen members elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting (except when there is a mid-year vacancy). In addition, the immediate Past President, Men's Club President, and Sisterhood President also serve on the board. Each elected member serves for a term of three years, and may serve for up to two consecutive terms.  The management and administration of the affairs of the Congregation shall be vested in the Board of Trustees.

View the bylaws of Congregation B'nai Israel 

2024-2025 Board of Trustees


President, Martin Finston

President -Elect, Open

Vice President, Nori Yonack

Past President, Harvey Buchalter

Secretary, Ben Kesner

Treasurer, Terry Locke


Sisterhood President, Vicky Camerlingo & Belina Avner

Men's Club President, Jimmy Tran



Parliamentarian - Fred Raznick
Personnel - TBA
Ritual - Jonas Actor
Education (Religious School) Steve Diamond
House/Security - Russ Goldstein and Terry Locke
Volunteers - Vicky Camerlingo
Adult Education - TBA
Young Family Liaison - Isai Garcia and Lisa Lostetter
Grants Coordinator - Sarah Egelman
Membership - Isai Garcia and Lisa Lostetter
Financial Secretary - Fred Helms
Fundraising - Harvey Buchalter
Dues and Assessment - Harvey Buchalter
Shoshana Hindin
Doris Duhigg

Other Positions

Financial Advisor (non-board position) Steve Margulin
Endowment (non-board position) Steve Margulin
Burial (non-board position) Marty Sherman
Calendar (non-board position) Beth Stewart


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Sisterhood Honey Fundraiser

June 10 - September 12

Click on the link below. Sisterhood Honey Fundraiser      

Academy of Jewish Learning Registration Open

June 12 - August 18

Religious School Registration is Open as of June 12, 2024. Click here for Registration Form

Judaica Shop Sales

July 1 - August 31

Saturday Night @ the Movies

July 27 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

A movie night for kids/teens and young families. Two movie selections will be available, one for kids 10 and under and one for kids 11 and up. Movie themed snacks…

Active Shooter Training-CBI-click to reserve a spot

August 18 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Special Agent Mike Hopkins is doing a Active Shooter training at B’nai Sunday August 18th 2-4 pm

August Birthday and Anniversary Kabbalat Shabbat

August 30 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Please join us for Birthday and Anniversary Shabbat, honoring all CBI members with birthdays and/or anniversaries this month! Shabbat services will start at 6 pm and include a special birthday…

Beer Brewing for Sukkot-Meat Kitchen Needed

September 8 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Men’s Club is sponsoring a Beer Brewing event to be ready in time to be served and shared during Sukkot. We will meet in the kitchen and brew two batches…

Sisterhood Opening Dinner-Dairy Kitchen

September 17 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
$10.00 – $21.00

Join us for The Sisterhood Opening Dinner. We will have a Salmon dinner followed by a wonderful program! Processing free is included in the price.

Beer Bottling for Sukkot-Meat kitchen needed

September 22 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Men’s Club is sponsoring a Beer Bottling event to be ready in time to be served and shared during Sukkot. Beer that was brewed earlier will be transferred to bottles…


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